Setting up a high tech planted tank in 7 simple steps

Setting up a high tech planted tank is such a fun process for me. Even though it’s my job to do that for my clients, I never get tired of it. Follow along as I walk you along the journey of setting up this 45 gallon tank at home.

Step 1 - Hardscape

03:27 - Step 2 - Detailing

04:03 - Step 3 - Sand bed

04:36 - Step 4 - Plant soil

04:58 - Step 5 - Beneficial bacteria

05:11 - Step 6 - Planting

06:30 - One month in

07:43 - Two months in

08:57 - Three months in - finally there

09:41 - Step 7 - Equipment

10:28 - Livestock


Setting up your first simple, low budget planted aquarium


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