Where to get your aquarium advice

Let’s face it. Fish people can be kind of set in their ways. And it’s all too common that we find conflicting opinions online about how to tackle a problem in our aquarium. Or you go to your local fish store and they tell you that their way is the only way.

Preposterous! How dare you suggest a canister filter, Nigel. Out!

Who can I trust?

One of the biggest indicators I look for in someone when trying to decide whether or not I should be taking aquarium advice from them is what does their aquarium look like? And if they don’t have one, you can just stop the conversation right off the bat. I’m only taking advice from someone who’s got at least 8 aquariums. 😂

But seriously, that person should have an aquarium that you would be proud to call your own, and all the fish should be healthy. The aquarium shouldn’t prioritize appearance over the health of its inhabitants. Any good aquarist will have respect for the critters they take care of. If they don’t, then I’d say you can write them off!

Try your local fish store for some expert advice. You’ll know they mean business if they have some nice display tanks. Even some of the big box stores that don’t have display tanks can give you good advice. Employees who work at fish stores deal with fish day in and day out. They usually have multiple aquariums at home as well.

Conflicting views

One of the most confusing elements of fish keeping for new folks is that there are so many opposing views. People can be very set on their way of doing things. And when you’re speaking to someone who has more experience than you, why would you doubt them? The fact of the matter is there is no magic bullet in aquarium keeping. 

It’s OK for you to try new methods or to question the advice someone gave you, as long as you have a reason to do so. Make sure to do your research and really master the fundamentals of aquarium keeping so you can make your own informed decisions, even if they are guided by an expert. The biggest thing to note here, is that there isn’t one way to achieve a healthy tank, so don’t limit yourself.

“There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but the view is always the same.”

― Chinese Proverb

Find your person

Everyone should have a fish person. The best way to feel confident with where you get your aquarium advice from is to find a local person and build a relationship with them. Ask if they have an aquarium, and to see pictures of it. 

Also don’t be snobby about where your fish person works. A lot of people hate on the employees at big box stores and yes, sometimes the people working there aren’t that into fish. But a lot of the time they are. My current fish guy actually works at my local Petco. Yes, I have a fish guy and I’ve been keeping aquariums for about 30 years. “Smart people learn from everything and everyone, average people from their experiences, stupid people have all the answers” ~ Socrates.

Embrace the future

The only way that this hobby has been able to advance so quickly is because people try new methods out. If we did things the way they have always been done, we’d still be keeping goldfish in bowls and using under gravel filters. Think about all of the relatively new advances in aquarium keeping that have been game changers, like the use of LEDs, all in one fertilizers, canister filters and YouTube tutorials!

The biggest thing to remember when it comes to getting advice, is make sure you’re getting advice from someone who is not limited to their way of doing things. Someone who is willing to learn from others or even someone who is just willing to admit that their way is not the only way. And of course, make sure that they have a nice aquarium!

On that note, feel free to ask me any questions in the comments below. I’m happy to help you figure out your problems!

Some of my favorite sources

George Farmer is one of my favorites when it comes to aquarium keeping and is definitely a reliable source. Check out his site here.

Another one of my favorites is a company called Aqua Design Amano (ADA). It was started by the most influential person in modern aquarium keeping times, Takashi Amano. Check out their site for some really cool ideas! Here


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