Supplies List
The Aquarium
The Fluval Flex is an all-in-one aquarium (minus heater). It’s a really sleek design with terrific build quality. It comes in black and white as well as a 9 or 15-gallon version. The price can vary but it usually ranges from $110 - $160 depending on the version. Sometimes a specific color or size is on sale, so check each link out before deciding.
Other Necessary Supplies
It gets cold in Colorado. You’ll need a heater to keep tropical fish ~ Roughly $15 ➡️ LINK
Soil is required to grow live plants ~ Roughly $50 ➡️ LINK
Hardscape, wood and stone, is an important component. We’ll chat about that when you sign up. If you’re willing to do some searching you can find your own hardscape for free.
Live plants will make your aquarium come to life. Since there are so many types of plants, we’ll discuss this together to make sure you get plants that you like! Plants should cost around $60.
Total Cost
In total, a 9 gallon set up should cost about $235. A 15 gallon set up goes up to around $285.
If you are looking for a stand to match the aquarium, they are available in black and white and cost around $110.
Auto timers are a great way to make sure that your lights and CO2 (if you decide to go that route) turn on and off at a consistent time every day. ➡️ LINK
Carbon dioxide injection is an excellent idea if you’re looking to grow a lush underwater garden. Live plants thrive when supplied with carbon dioxide gas because it allows them to photosynthesize at exponentially greater rates. It’s also useful in keeping algae levels down. All in all, a CO2 kit will cost around $130. If you don’t get CO2, no problem! That just means your plants will grow a little slower and you’ll be a little more limited on the selection of plants, but you can still have a gorgeous planted aquarium.